Posted March 3, 2020 2:00 pm by Comments

By Rob Morse

Criminals Think Differently- Understand Them and Be Prepared
Criminals Think Differently- Understand Them and Be Prepared

U.S.A.-( Young minority women are disproportionately victimized by violent criminals. That explains why Connecticut Democrats want them disarmed. Here is their horrible bigotry at work.

Criminals want easy victims. Unfortunately, young women are more likely to take public transportation late at night. Minority women are more likely to live in our violent inner cities. Women are weaker than men 90 percent of the time. Those factors explain much of why young minority women are robbed, assaulted, raped and murdered so often. There is another factor as well. Young minority women were less likely to go armed.

Young, urban, minority women have the greatest need to defend themselves. They want to stay safe and they learned that the police will not be there to stop their attacks. These women learned that the police will arrive after they have fought off their attacker, after they have run to safety, and after they have called 911.. if they can, and if police bother to respond to the scene of the crime after the attacker has run away.

That explains why young urban minority women are the fastest-growing segment of gun owners. Unfortunately, …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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