New Court Ruling Casts Doubt on NJ Gun Control Laws
By Ammoland

New Jersey – -( A new court ruling regarding who can and cannot own a firearm may have effects on New Jersey’s gun control scheme. The case came out of the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, the same circuit that New Jersey is in, which means that this ruling is now the controlling law in New Jersey.
The case, Binderup v. Attorney General, brought by supporter and sponsor of New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS), the Second Amendment Foundation, was brought before the entire 3rd circuit in an en banc hearing centered on two men who were denied their right to own a firearm over past non-violent convictions. Neither men had ever been incarcerated for their crimes, yet were still denied their right to own a firearm under Federal Law since their crimes could resulted in jail time, but did not. While the justices did not strike down the whole federal law, they did rule that these individuals Second Amendment Rights we’re violated under the statute and ruled that, in this case, the law …Read the Rest
Source:: AmmoLand
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