Posted January 31, 2024 1:31 pm by Comments

By Rebecca Jones

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Wyoming Legislative Session 2024 – Your Rights on the Line!
The 2024 Wyoming Legislative Session begins on February 12, 2024 with huge implications for Second Amendment Rights in the Cowboy state!
In the 2023 Session, GOA was hopeful we could pass legislation to repeal most of Wyoming’s remaining gun-free zones (HB0105 sponsored by Representative Haroldson [R] from Wheatland) and stop Biden’s Red Flag money from being accepted in Wyoming (HB0250 sponsored by Representative Jennings [R] from Sheridan).
HB0250 would have complimented and enhanced the GOA-backed Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) which passed into statute in 2022.
This law already prohibits state and local participation in unconstitutional federal gun control and carries a one-year jail penalty for state and local officials who violate the law. This is the Nation’s strongest criminal penalty found in any SAPA.
In keeping with our promise in 2022, GOA has always sought to improve and enhance a law regarded around the Country as one of the Nation’s best because no law is perfect, and we can never stop trying to improve and enhance protections for our Second Amendment Rights.

Sadly, in early February of

Source: Gun Owners of America

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