Posted February 22, 2024 9:00 am by Comments

By Rebecca Jones

Firearms Privacy Is Still On The Line!
GOA appreciates the 22 House Conservatives who voted against HB0151 sponsored by Representative Barry Crago (R – Buffalo).
This legislation left the door open for the creation of a firearms registry, provided exceptions for “good faith” violations (that means if the violator “thought” they needed to violate your Rights), and required civil enforcement at the discretion of the Wyoming Attorney General.
However, by defeating the HB0151 “Election Year Gun Bill,” these 22 Representative have left the door open for real reform to come from the Wyoming Senate.
While legislation is still in play on the Senate side, GOA is working hard to ensure that any bill coming from the Senate is free from loopholes and contains a criminal penalty.
Here is a list of the solid Pro-Second Amendment Representatives GOA is asking you to thank.
Bill Allemand, Ocean Andrew, John Bear, Jeremy Haroldson, Scott Heiner, Ben Hornok, Mark Jennings, Christopher Knapp, Tony Locke, Chip Neiman, Pepper Ottman, Ken Pendergraft, Sarah Penn, Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, Daniel Singh, Allen Slagle, Scott Smith, Tomi Strock, Clarence Styvar, Tamara Trujillo, Jeanette Ward, and John Winter.
PLEASE click here and contact the 22 Representatives who stopped HB0151. Thank them for leaving the door open for real

Source: Gun Owners of America

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