Posted February 22, 2018 9:30 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

One thing you tend to have to worry about from time to time are the people who claim to be on your side. They start off by saying something like, “I believe in the Second Amendment but…” and usually follow it up with something that doesn’t sound a thing like what a fan of the Second Amendment would actually say. By the time the word “but” comes out, my skin starts to crawl because I know something is coming.

Over at The Daily Caller, I tend to not worry too much. After all, if someone who contributes there claims to be in favor of the Second Amendment, they tend to be.

For example, there was a post over there on Wednesday worth a look. It had five ideas to supposedly reduce gun violence and was from someone who claimed to be a Second Amendment supporter.

A couple of the ideas were solid. For example, making penalties stiffer may well curb criminals’ interest in using a firearm for various crimes. I’m not so sure it really matters whether a gun or a knife is used in some cases, but I’m willing to keep an open mind.

However, there were a couple of suggestions the writer, …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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