Posted June 24, 2019 4:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

The Huffington Post had one thing about them which I tend to respect on some level. They don’t pretend to be an unbiased news source. Not really. In fact, everyone knows they’re liberal which means we can generally read any article they post knowing their ideological bias.

Kind of like how Bearing Arms is unapologetically biased in favor of the right to keep and bear arms.

However, knowing their ideological bias doesn’t excuse them from trying to frame absolute BS as truth.

In a recent post, they presented a woman as the victim of an atrocity in an effort to advance their anti-gun narrative. The headline was “Fearing Her Husband, She Took His Guns To Police. They Arrested Her.

The goal is clear. They want you to view this woman as someone who feared for her life and decided to disarm her husband before he could kill her. On first blush, that’s something a lot of people–even some who support the Second Amendment–would understand. Except, there’s more to the story. It starts out with:

An alleged victim of domestic violence in Florida was arrested and charged with armed burglary after she removed her estranged husband’s guns from his …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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