Posted December 1, 2016 11:23 pm by Comments

By James Rummel


The title above was also the title of an email an old friend sent me. Seems he had come across a picture of the Pistolia Con Caracato, a unique revolver that boasts three barrels.

Pity revolver manufacturers in the opening years of the 20th Century. Autoloading handguns had been invented a decade or so before that put their products to shame. Who would want a gun that only fired six shots, and was slow to reload, when they could have ten rounds and reload in a flash?

mauser c96 without shoulder stock attached

The gun companies tinkered with increasing the number of rounds available in revolvers, and they weren’t too shy about taking things to absurd lengths. As I’ve written about before, the most successful was a line of double barrelled guns from the French firearms firm of HDH.

hdh revolver showing the 2 barrels and 2 tier revolver

But let us return to the matter at hand, the three barrel wonder.

The gun that caused my …Read the Rest

Source:: Hell In a Handbasket

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