Posted December 24, 2015 8:36 am by Comments

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

Louisiana- (
Film Noir 2

I don’t like horror movies. There is nothing attractive about sitting and waiting for the monster to jump out of the dark screen at me. Hoplophobes are people who have an irrational fear of firearms. What do they feel as they wait for their monster to attack? How can we help them.. and help ourselves?

What have hoplophobes done to guns?
People with irrational fears of guns express those fears in several ways. They may experience guns as having lives of their own. They think a gun will jump off the dark shelf and attack people on its own.

These exaggerations can seem funny to gun owners. Many of us take our friends shooting. We start them with low powered .22 rimfire firearms. These come in every size from child to adult. If they want more, there are mid-power firearm such as the .223. Originally designed to shoot small pests, this rifle throws a light bullet with little recoil. It can fit most adults when outfitted with an adjustable stock and comb.

Perhaps you recognize it, …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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