Posted May 5, 2017 12:49 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA — I’m not going to mince words on this one, because it’s the most irresponsible thing I’ve seen all day.

A Jacksonville man was being interviewed by a news station about an incident that occurred in his driveway. Early one morning, the man saw a person going through his vehicle. He decided to take action and approach the suspect with his handgun.

He told Action News Jax about the incident;

“I was like, ‘Put your hands out where I can see them! Drop to your knees!’ And I said it four or five times,” the man said. “He would not do it. And the whole time I’m thinking what was in his hand was a gun. But what it turned out to be was my radar detector, so had he turned around, I would’ve shot the guy not knowing any better. So it’s real lucky he didn’t die that night.”

In the video below, we can see the interaction, as well as the man chasing after the suspect down the driveway.

Mistake #1: It’s never wise to chase after a suspect with your firearm. What’s the plan here, really? Unless you’re planning to shoot that person in the back, …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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