Posted September 24, 2016 3:23 pm by Comments

By James England

If you’ve been following Concealed Nation for awhile, you’ll notice we harp a lot on training to deal with gun jams. It’s not necessarily because we hope that happens or because we don’t think any concealed carrier can’t work through them but for beginners and advanced concealed carriers alike, there is always a bit of nervousness when it comes to that moment of truth.

The moment of truth is a bit like Murphy’s Law. Anything that can happen, will happen. And some of those possibilities are unpleasant — like a double feed.

This video is a nice short one that addresses specifically what we need to look for in a double-feed. That’s when there’s a failure to eject the previous round and thus the next round is blocked from entering the chamber.

Not catastrophic by any means when in a safe training environment but it has the potential to seriously hurt us in a real world scenario.

The basics of dealing with a double-feed include simply pulling the receiver to the rear, ejecting the magazine, and then racking the slide to allow the spent casing to eject. Once the spent casing is ejected, reinsert magazine and proceed to party.

A lost detail in this is …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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