Posted November 27, 2023 1:51 pm by Comments

By Jordan Stein

“Assault Weapon” Ban Bills Introduced
Call Gov. Glenn Youngkin at (804) 786-2211 and urge him to veto any and all gun control — including HB 2/SB 2 — that may come across his desk.
Dear friend,
Last week, anti-gun Democrats in the Old Dominion introduced HB 2 and SB 2; bills to ban so-called “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines.
Notably, these bills will prohibit the “import, sell, manufacture, purchase, possess[ion], transport, or transfer” of practically all semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns.
These bills also ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Further, the bill expands the prohibitors for concealed carry qualifications.
Gun owners may remember the “assault weapon” ban battle from a few years ago, where a similar bill failed to become law. That victory took a tremendous effort from gun owners, and it will take another impressive effort to stop this new attack.
While GOA will fight these bills every step of the way, it is possible — due to the anti-gun, Democrat-controlled General Assembly — that these bills make it to the Governor’s desk. Then, it will be up to Republican Glenn Youngkin to veto the legislation.
So, what can you do to stop this gun control?
First, call Gov. Glenn Youngkin at (804) 786-2211

Source: Gun Owners of America

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