Posted December 6, 2023 4:00 pm by Comments

By Elaine D

It’s been a minute since I’ve written anything for this here gun rag, but I’m back with what I hope will be the first installment of a regular series I’ve decided to call Stupid Gun Stories. I see so many “interesting” things at the range these days that I feel compelled to bring them up to people who don’t care, and TTAG generously decided to provide me an outlet.
A couple of months ago I had the dubious pleasure of being invited to go shooting with a fella who decided, after learning that I’d been trained byJeff Gonzales and Paul Howe along with a handful of experienced friends who shall not be named here, that I’d been “taught all wrong” and that he was therefore obligated to…help me out.
Continue reading Training Tip: Beware of YouTube Operators at The Truth About Guns.

Source: The Truth About Guns

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