Posted August 2, 2018 10:00 am by Comments

By Scott Gara

One of the most anticipated items on the firing line of Range Day at TriggrCon 2018 would’ve had to have been the FoldAR. Lots of people have heard rumors of this mysterious gun but few had seen it shoot. The guys at Dead Foot Arms (DFA) showed up in full force ready to display and shoot the hell out this foldable rifle. And shoot the hell out of it we did. I’ll be the first to admit, I was a little nervous before shooting this thing. I know that may sound ridiculous, given the hundreds of people who shot it before me, but part of me felt like it might fall apart in my hands. That I would be left standing at the firing line slack jawed with bloody stumps for hands.
Awww it’s all folded up (Photo: Daniel Terril/
But then I remembered that Ted Schumacher, CEO of Dead Foot Arms, doesn’t put his name on anything that isn’t high quality. I learned that about him while writing a story about the creation of their folding stock and the company. With that in mind I quashed that ridiculous notion and shouldered the weapon, no eager to fire. To my surprise it


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