Posted October 5, 2016 2:23 pm by Comments

By Salvatore

Many reading this article are undoubtedly practitioners of being armed and prepared and as such you may often deal with a particularly frustrating social interaction: trying to encourage others that you care about to take responsibility for their own safety. Those of us that carry a handgun on a daily basis to protect innocent life realize that the world is a bad place and bad things happen every day to good people. The United States is currently a “relatively” safe place to live. The nation actually has significantly less violent crime as compared to a couple of decades ago. There are still certain communities plagued with violence (typically those with the strictest gun control like Chicago and Baltimore, imagine that). But as we know, any place on this earth that has people present is susceptible to violence. Those who choose to be prepared for inter-personal violence realize that the odds don’t matter, what is at stake matters. But how do we communicate this reality to those who wish to remain naive?

An approach I take when urging people to develop an appropriate mindset for self-defense is to “make the horse thirsty.” Most are familiar with the saying “you can lead a …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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