Posted January 24, 2016 3:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

“When it comes to capturing the zeitgeist, there’s no greater festival than Sundance, which may explains (sic) why the festival arrives armed with plenty of firepower this year — literally,” reports. “Sundance has its finger on the pulse (or the trigger) of America with a handful of movies that examine gun violence, a hot-button topic topic . . .

Katie Couric returns to Park City with her “Fed Up” collaborator Stephanie Soechtig for “Under the Gun,” a documentary that explores both side of the gun control debate. The film will feature never-before-seen footage of the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, which also happens to be the subject of Tim Sutton’s narrative feature “Dark Night.”

Aurora isn’t the only national tragedy under the lens at Sundance, as Kim Snyder’s documentary “Newtown” looks at the Connecticut community that came together in the wake of a school shooting that left 27 innocent people dead. [Clip above.]

The firearms frenzy isn’t restricted to feature-length films either, as AJ Schnack’s short documentary “Speaking Is Difficult” will also tackle the subject of gun violence.

So bloody shirt waving is the order of the day in doc-land. As for the …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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