Posted January 27, 2016 7:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

This video has racked-up millions of views. The main reason: it taps into European anxiety about Muslim immigrants, showing an example of armed self-defense against a threatening pack. Note: the man with the gun is an off-duty law enforcement officer which may explain why he chooses to stand his ground against the baseball bat-wielding perp and his pals. (Respectez mon autorité!) For those of us without stinkin’ badges who face a similar threat — regardless of the race, color or creed of a potential attacker — this may not have been the ideal response . . .

When the gun guy turns to confront his pursuers, he’s in a funnel, bounded on both sides by significant obstacles. There’s no cover. No concealment. He’s on what Chinese military mastermind Sun Tzu called “desperate ground.” About which military strategist Ch`en Hao remarked: “to be on ‘desperate ground’ is like sitting in a leaking boat or crouching in a burning house.” The recommended options in that scenario: fight or flight. Standing your ground isn’t on the list.

Later in the video we see that gun guy’s in a really long narrow space. There’s a small van to one side …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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