Posted February 25, 2018 1:39 pm by Comments

By Alexandre

The carnival of 2018 will enter in history as one of the most violent ever recorded. The shocking scene of dozens of criminals robbing by-passers at the world famous Ipanema beach, reveal the violent reality of one of the most visited cities of the world. Behind the glamour and glitter of the carnival parades lies a city ravaged by gang violence, corruption and crime, where citizens like myself are exposed to anyone with a criminal intent, because the government fails miserably on his duty to serve and protect is citizens, and at the same time make it extremely hard to own guns for self defense.

Living in Rio is to know that at any time you can be the next victim. All you can do is try to avoid dangerous situations, but even that is extremely difficult in a city with our geography. We are surrounded by mountains occupied by favelas. A favela is mostly illegally-occupied territory where law enforcement cannot enter without support of specialized police units. Despite the fact that most of the people that live there are honest hard working people, criminal factions created in the 1980’s became so strong that they simply dominated those …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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