Posted January 9, 2018 12:31 pm by Comments

By John Farnam

Crime Tape

By John Farnam

Reasonable Self Defense Response Update

Ft Collins, CO –-( Addendum to yesterday’s Quipon reasonable self defense:

I’ve received many responses to yesterday’s Quip about lethal self-defense, as you might imagine, and I thank all who took the time to get back with me.

Here are some particulars that need to be added:

  • 13) Don’t shoot unless you have to! It all comes down to that. When you need to shoot immediately in order to prevent yourself from being crippled/murdered, it will probably be blatantly obvious! When it isn’t, you probably don’t need to shoot!
  • 14) When you need to shoot, shoot with sufficient volume and accuracy necessary to produce lethal wound(s) and thus finish the fight quickly. The longer this fight goes on, the more deadly risk you expose yourself to. When there must be a lethal response on your part to a deadly attack, get the fight over with as quickly as you can. In legal parlance, you can’t shoot someone in a “non-deadly” manner, nor should you try!
  • 15) Don’t approach downed/wounded suspects. When a suspect has been wounded, even when he is on the ground and not moving, stay well away from him. He …Read the Rest

    Source:: AmmoLand

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