Posted March 10, 2016 6:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Many Americans have been severely disappointed by the rhetoric unleashed by presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. While Mr. Trump’s low-brow personal attacks and gutter language are a throwback to this country’s earliest political history, it’s unwelcome in many quarters. But not all. Maybe not even most. As Mr. Trump himself pointed out in one of his celebratory press conferences . . .

his abrasive, insulting style has channeled indeed galvanized voters angry about the federal government’s betrayal of their political will. Specifically, its ineffectiveness and inaction on illegal immigration, job losses and military weakness.

Legitimate concerns all. But the tone of Trump’s campaign is closer to the WWF than the GOP, or at least the Republican Party as we’ve come to know it. Indeed, Mr. Trump’s unscripted harangues remind me of nothing more than championship wrestlers’ pre-fight bombast, where unadulterated machismo trumps any consideration of “sporting” competition.

I mention this because professional gun rights activists are in the same political arena and have not descended to Trump’s level. The pro-gun community’s arguments are still carefully couched within the boundaries of civility. They use reason and facts to counter the lies and distortions perpetuated by gun control advocates.

Note …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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