Posted February 24, 2016 10:00 am by Comments

By Richard Johnson

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<div data-cycle-hash="gwfm16-lockers-covered6" data-cycle-desc="While many other rifle racks address the need to administratively store multiple rifles for patrol officers, the Covered 6 RTD (Ready To Deploy) ensures safe storage of individual rifles inside the police department. Should a gunman enter the police building, running out to the patrol car to retrieve a rifle wastes valuable time. The RTD allows rifles to be securely stored in offices or common areas while still providing instant access via a keypad and RFID key fob. Additionally, the patented design of this system prevents manipulation of a weapon's charging handle while the rifle is in the rack." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="gwfm16-lockers-datum" data-cycle-desc="Versatility is at the heart of this customizable weapons storage cabinet from Datum Storage Solutions. The Argos Cabinet can be fitted with traditional hinged doors or with bi-fold doors for space optimization in tight environments. Configured to accommodate all kinds of weapons and gear, these cabinets can also be had in a range of colors and are backed by a lifetime guarantee. The cabinets are also stackable to make the most of your available space." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“><img src="" data-src="×383.1453925727.jpg" …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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