Posted October 19, 2015 12:58 pm by Comments

By Jenn Jacques

Wisconsin liberals, like an (over) educated uncle at the Thanksgiving dinner table lecturing everyone on the cultural ramifications from the upheaval of the indigenous people, are not a fair representation of our state. For the most part, the Wisconsin residents I know and have lived among my entire life are more common-sensed, calm, rational people willing to discuss facts and engage in spirited debate, respectfully.

At the top of the totem pole of WI liberals reign the professors within the University of Wisconsin System, and in respect to the current gun debate being waged in my beloved Dairy State, it’s no surprise they’ve taken their elitist demagoguery to a whole new level.

University of Wisconsin professor Bill Tracy was quoted at that ‘if students could campus carry, faculty would fear getting shot during disputes over grades’ and claims to have overheard a colleague say, “I guess I’ll just give everybody A’s.”

Tracy, an agronomy professor at UW-Madison, says the Republican-lead push to allow concealed carry on Wisconsin campuses has caused “tremendous anxiety” among the faculty.

Even more ridiculous is what one professor is spouting from my own backyard. UW-Green Bay professor Chuck Rybak took to his personal …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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