Posted May 8, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By Dan Zimmerman


By Defensive Daddy via

One of my readers noticed that I was using a traditional strict vertical one-handed shooting technique. Like most things, it’s been a work in progress. Here’s my reasoning for using a more traditional vertical hold instead of a more canted ‘high speed’ one-handed technique . . .

I was taught during my first firearms class (Fighting Pistol – Tactical Response) that a good way to shoot one-handed (strong hand) was have the slide of the gun canted slightly inboard while shooting. Think of throwing a cross in boxing. The hand is unwinding and the fist is about 15 degrees from vertical. It definitely feels more natural and is more comfortable to do this. It also can be pretty repeatable as you ride the recoil between shots, though I feel like I have to steer the gun a bit to get it to return to my original point of aim. More so the larger the caliber gets (physics, duh). The shot impulse is absorbed in the shoulder and triceps.

Within the last two years, based on recommendations from The Tactical Professor I started trying the more traditional ‘up and down’ slide when one-handed …read more

Via:: Truth About Guns

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