Posted December 14, 2015 11:00 am by Comments

By Nick Leghorn


This past Friday the New York Times continued their push for gun control by publishing a further editorial piece. Apparently they saw that their initial editorial produced no change whatsoever and decided that the best thing to do was try the exact same thing again, which is the very definition of insanity. I’m happy they did it though, because they decided to go even further with their inflammatory language and tried to shock their readers into action. In doing so they once again proved that they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about, and their audience is now dumber for having read their article.

The piece starts out the usual way bemoaning the availability of “military weapons” in the United States. You only have to wait until the second paragraph for it to start to go off the rails, though.

Across recent decades, gun manufacturers, facing a decline in general gun ownership as demographics shifted and sports hunting faded, have cynically created a domestic market for barely altered rifles and pistols developed for the military. These are weapons designed for the rapid spray-shooting of multiple enemy soldiers in wartime, not homeland civilians living in peace.

No, they aren’t. The …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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