Posted December 31, 2015 12:38 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens

This is the lawful open carry of a handgun by Rick Ector.


I’m just as sick of the Tamir Rice case as the next guy, but it’s also my job to debunk lies and information on firearms and firearms laws, so I’ve been sucked back into this story at least one more time to debunk a pair of idiotic articles written by out-of-their depth leftist writers who allege that Tamir Rice was “just open carrying.”

At the laughably-named blog Truth in Media, Sabha Abour opines:

Ohio is one of the 30 states that allows open carry without a permit throughout the state. When a state has an open carry policy, it allows its citizens to carry guns in public without fear of being arrested, let alone killed.

So why did the open carry rule not apply to Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old who was in possession of a toy gun at a park?

Frothing with hate at the Huffington Post, professional racist Sikivu Hutchinson rants:

Once again, white America can breathe a collective sigh of relief that its kids are alright. They are protected, they are innocent, they are worthy of all the privileges that the U.S.’ bankrupt legal system can offer. They are validated as human beings and as children who should be allowed to …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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