Posted January 31, 2024 1:30 pm by Comments

By Monte Bowen

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We need to act now. HB 137 has passed the New Mexico House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and is on the move! 
This is a crucial time for the people of New Mexico–the anti-gunners are forcing gun control that has a proven record of failure to the people! 
Governor Grisham has made it clear that criminals will not comply with the laws but insist on coming after you, the law-abiding citizen.  

HB 137: This is the mother of all gun control! This bill BANS all gas operated weapons, and weapons that take a magazine. This bill would make nearly all of your gun’s illegal, and the ones that are grandfathered in will be restricted so severely that, in most cases, it would render them unusable for the defense of your family. 

Here are the tyrannical representatives that are stripping away your rights, and we MUST call them out! 

Chair Joann Ferrary 
Vice Chair Angelica Rubio 
Andrea Romero 
Elizabeth Thompson 

So, take action now and let your Representatives know we are not going to tolerate this. 
Thankfully, some representatives are fighting to keep your rights and the U.S.

Source: Gun Owners of America

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