Posted April 5, 2017 11:33 am by Comments

By Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten

By Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -(
The NICS checks for March, 2017 were 2,433,092. That is the third highest number of NICS checks for any March. The highest was in 2016, with 2,523,265. The second highest February was in 2014, with 2,488,842. Both of those were driven by fear of strong gun control measures that might be passed by President Obama.

The Trump era of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks has finished its first quarter. There have been four presidents that have had NICS checks done while they were in office.

There were two years and two months of NICS checks under President Clinton. They totaled 18,574,000 checks. During that period the NICS system was clarified. Court challenges restricted how the checks were done and how long they could be stored.

They were done for the full eight years of the two terms of President Bush, totaling 77 million checks. 34,533,772 in the first term and 42,876,236 in the second term. The numbers surged after 9/11.

They were done for the full eight years of the two terms of President Obama, totaling 157 million checks. 64,490,694 in …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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