Posted July 9, 2024 6:01 am by Comments

By Lee Williams

(Photo-illustration from licensed Shutterstock account).by Lee WilliamsAfter New Orleans officials were unsuccessful in their attempts to get state lawmakers to designate vast swathes of their city’s popular tourist area as a gun-free zone before Louisiana’s new permitless carry law went live July 4, they came up with their own solution, which is probably unconstitutional, definitely whacky and certain to be contested in court.The New Orleans Police Department has designated their Eighth District police station — which is located in the middle of the French Quarter — as a vocational technical school. In other words, they turned a working police station into a vo-tech. Now, everything within a 1,000-foot radius of the “school” is a gun-free zone, including more than five blocks of Bourbon Street, an international tourist destination.It is a felony in Louisiana to violate a gun-free zone, which is punishable by up to five years in a state prison at hard labor.Who will actually attend classes at the new “school” is not known. New Orleans Police recruits are trained at the police academy, which is located at a different facility. However, city and police officials now claim some of the recruits may take at least one class in a

Source: The Gun Writer

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