Posted March 19, 2024 4:00 pm by Comments

By John Petrolino

Ever since we got that wonderful gift from Justice Thomas on his birthday in 2022, the former “may-issue” states have been having hissy fits. The landmark NYSRPA v. Bruen decision sent a clear message to draconian states that the villagers shall have their pitchforks and they shall be able to have them in public for self-defense. Recent antics coming from Attorney General Matthew Platkin include an initiative allowing businesses to register as “gun-free zones” and get a “free” sticker advertising their disdain for civil liberties.
Continue reading N.J. Attorney General Platkin Has a Sticker Party. States ‘Guns Bad,’ on Taxpayers’ Dime. at The Truth About Guns.

Source: The Truth About Guns

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