Posted October 5, 2015 9:35 pm by Comments

By Ammoland

Ian Mercer
Ian Mercer
Man Talk Blog
Man Talk Blog

Colorado –-( I cannot hide my anger and disgust for truly dangerously stupid and mentally illogical people.

Now comes the Roseburg area Umpqua College murdering sociopath’s nut cake’ Euro-trash dad calling for more gun control in our country. Ian Mercer (the murderer’s dad) seen in an interview with CNN (Communist News Network) says he has “never held a gun in his life.

Well goody for him. Too bad he did not raise his P.O.S. kid so righteously!

I believe his dad, Ian Mercer is the primary reason his kid grew up wrong and killed the people in the Oregon College–after all, he raised him, he had the influence to guide him. And then again, after seeing the twisted blame averting logic his dad espouses, maybe dad is the precise reason his kid went off the rails to think that shooting people would magically elevate his twisted ego.

Mercer and his wife Laurel (mom-the “Harper” half of their murderous son’s hyphenated last name) were divorced in 2006.

2008 court records indicate that a sexual harassment law suit was filed against (dad) Ian Mercer and the company he worked for his allegedly sexually harassing …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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