Posted January 27, 2016 12:30 pm by Comments

By Charles Daniel

Dry Fire Array

Anyone that has dry fired any appreciable amount of time has likely run into the scenario were you are in a hurry between reps (or timer beeps) to the point you are quickly releasing mags and/or re-holstering to reset for the next rep. This can be a bad habit, and as much as I hate to say it, it can lead to training scars. If you do enough dry fire you might find yourself doing such actions without even thinking. Lest you think it is not a training scar you should read this article by Mike Seeklander. In the article Mike goes into great detail of experimenting during his classes and being able to trigger this training scar time after time. This is not a good thing, especially if you ever strap on a concealed handgun.

Here is a very telling excerpt from the article:

Again the next several groups go through the drill and you can probably guess by now what happens…multiple students finish the drill, and UNLOAD their gun! How can this be? Are they unruly and disregarding my instructions? No, they are not. They are going through a stress induced anomaly …Read the Rest

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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