Posted January 4, 2019 10:00 am by Comments

By Adam Welch

Recoil management is an essential part of accurate pistol shooting and the key to managing recoil is a tight two-handed grip. For the average shooter, however, it’s easier said than done, so let’s walk through the process to ensure your grip is good as gold.
Advice that’s often passed down is a good grip begins in the holster. What that means is before you draw, you should focus on establishing a high, firm grip on your pistol. When I say “high” I mean the web of your thumb and index finger should land right below the slide and the firmness comes when your fingers grab the rest of the grip.
Once you draw, wrap your support hand over your dominate hand. Let your support hand cup the dominate in a natural position (most people find pressing the pads of their hands together and fingers over knuckles a natural position). This creates pressure and friction on the grip that allows you to control the pistol more efficiently during recoil. Finally, make sure that your thumbs align on the side of the frame. Dominant over support.
Advice that’s often passed down is a good grip begins in the holster. What that means is before you


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