Posted July 2, 2017 8:37 pm by Comments

By James Rummel

I wonder what the guy in the hat is up to? Where is his right hand?

That’s okay, I think I figured it out.

The picture is from a German movie titled Freddy unter fremdem Sternen (1959), which translates to Freddy under strange Stars. The oily simp wearing the black hat (a dead giveaway) is played by Dieter Eppler, an actor who has 128 credits to his name. Highly prolific, he portrayed characters in movies, TV, and even radio. The picture above might not be the best representation of what kind of roles he filled, as he was usually cast as the dashing military hero. He died in 2008 at the ripe old age of 81.

In Freddy under strange Stars he played the bad guy. Big shock, right?

The winsome lass with the fiercely stoic expression is the German actress Vera Tschechowa, whose main claim to fame outside of her native land is that she was seen on the arm of Elvis Presley briefly while he was stationed in Germany during his military service. But why would he spend the precious time he …Read the Rest

Source:: Hell In a Handbasket

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