Posted March 29, 2019 10:00 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Hunters have been under fire for some time. Anytime someone posts a photo of game bagged at a perfectly legal and ethical hunt, it seems some mob wants to destroy them. Apparently, some don’t comprehend the role hunting can play in wildlife management. After all, without hunting, some of these species would overpopulate and start causing problems.

Now, I get the outrage at big game hunts in Africa. Those animals feel exotic and some are thought of as endangered, even if they’re not on the lists as such. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still stupid, but I understand where the anger is coming from. It’s coming from a place of ignorance.

Of course, that also explains Keith Olbermann pretty damn well, too.

It seems the former MSNBC host decided that an American hunter had crossed some imaginary line.

A hunter in Mississipi received “verbal attacks” after being singled out by ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann on Twitter. Earlier today Olbermann freaked out over a minor story about a hunter shooting an unusual white turkey during turkey hunting season. Olbermann called for the author of the story to be fired and said of Hunter Waltman, the man who shot the turkey, “we …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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