Posted October 4, 2017 8:30 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Keith Olbermann may have made his name as a sportscaster, but he’s spent the last decade or so pontificating on politics. Rather than rail on how bad certain baseball teams are this year, he goes on about how evil Republicans or whatever right-leaning group he’s chosen to vilify are. His latest bit, however, shows he’s going off the deep end.

Even by Olbermann’s standards.

Keith Olbermann, for example, slammed the nation’s gun lobby in a clip for GQ’s “The Resistance.” The progressive pundit claimed that the Second Amendment has been misinterpreted in recent years and is the reason why the NRA “is not branded for what it is — a terrorist organization.”

According to Olbermann, the 2A was drafted by our founders and framers “to keep the federal government from taking away the right of each state to maintain its own militia.”

In other words, it’s not an individual right unconnected to militia service as the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark 2008 Heller decision.

Olbermann went on to say that our right to keep and bear arms has been transmogrified “into an excuse for why madmen of whatever heritage or political purpose cannot be stopped from carrying at least …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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