Posted January 9, 2019 1:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

The Jewish people have a fascinating history of being knocked down and repeatedly getting back up. Their history is filled with enslavement and defeat, a history darker than pretty much any other group in the world. And that’s before you get to talking about the Holocaust.

What happened at the Tree of Life Synagogue, while an awful tragedy, is just a bump in the history of the Jewish people when you step away and try to look at it dispassionately.

But Pittsburgh was recent. It’s in our minds right now, and that makes it large and more pronounced than enslavement by the Egyptians, for example.

With that in mind, is it any wonder that some Jews are carrying guns to temple? Is it any wonder that the synagogues are getting more and more comfortable with that?

On an average Saturday morning at the Orthodox Ohel Tefillah synagogue on Chicago’s North Side, about 10 percent of the men carry a handgun.

That number may seem high in a liberal city with some of the strictest gun laws in the country. But in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre last year, Rabbi Moshe Revah expects it will grow. He wouldn’t be surprised if …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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