Posted March 29, 2017 6:21 pm by Comments

By Ammoland Editor Joe Evans

Senator Don Harmon and State Representative Kathleen Willis take the gun banner's bait and help target small businesses with more regulation.
Senator Don Harmon and State Representative Kathleen Willis
Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois State Rifle Association

USA -( Gun-grabber Senator Don Harmon is sponsoring a bill SB1657 in the Illinois Legislature that would force your favorite gun store to close under a mountain of new regulations.

This bill would also affect your ability to sell or refresh your own gun collection, by defining YOU as a gun dealer in Illinois.

Never mind the weight of all the federal regulations that gun dealers and gun owners must deal with, you will have more Illinois regulations and fees now too.

Remember that the anti-gunners have tried repeatedly to force suburban firearms retailers to close by suing them, only to have those suits tossed out. They have tried to sue the towns that the stores are located in, only to have those suits dismissed as well.

Now they are attempting to change the law of the land, at least in Illinois, and make gun stores do business *their* way, which is no business at all.

Yesterday, SB1657 came out of committee hearing on a stacked vote and is headed for a floor vote.

Your State Senator needs to hear from you starting Thursday morning, …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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