Posted August 10, 2023 6:00 am by Comments

By Lee Williams

Photo illustration from licensed Shutterstock Lee WilliamsMy colleague John Crump at Ammoland News deserves nothing but praise for his coverage of the AutoKeyCard case, in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives charged Matthew Hoover and Justin Ervin with illegally selling machineguns and conspiracy.Crump reported about all aspects of the complex case and his coverage was exemplary. It was chock full of nuance and context, which can be difficult with any legal case, especially the federal variety. Crump asked tough questions and he held those in positions of power accountable, which is what journalists are supposed to do.The result: there was little Crump’s readers did not know about the case.The prosecutor, Assistant U. S. Attorney Laura Cofer Taylor, didn’t appreciate Crump’s reporting. However, both Hoover and Ervin were convicted last April, so you’d think she would have been somewhat mollified, but you’d be dead wrong.According to court documents, one of the defendants, Hoover, gave Crump a copy of his Presentence Investigation Report, or PSR, and suggested that Crump should report on the contents. As a defendant, the document was Hoover’s to give to whomever he wanted. When AUSA Taylor heard about this, she went bonkers — literally.

Source: The Gun Writer

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