Posted April 26, 2016 12:40 am by Comments

By Brandon

As armed citizens, it is our job to defend ourselves and others if necessary. As much as we’d like to see crime stopped in it’s tracks, it is never our job to take on the roll of a police officer and actively go after the bad guy unless our lives are in danger. Ever.

This armed citizen, while his heart was in the right place, is learning that lesson the hard way.

Decorated veteran 60-year-old Norman Reynolds, who served 24 years in the Army and Air Force, was handed down a sentence of 18 months in prison and 18 months reporting probation, although the prison sentence was suspended. In effect, the judge laid out the sentence, but Reynolds will not have to serve any time in prison. This will likely, however, remain on public record.

What actually happened? Read the original story here.


The charges for Reynolds came after he pursued two men who were observed exiting the Big R store on South Main Street in Elkhart with unpaid merchandise Oct. 12, according to Elkhart police. Several employees as well as Reynolds saw the men enter a small truck and began to pull away.

According to police, Reynolds produced a semi-automatic …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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