Posted December 20, 2016 5:35 pm by Comments

By Bob Owens


Gun Talk Media’s First Person Defender series of video have been a wonderful opportunity to watch and learn from people with varied levels of training thrust into force-on-force scenarios.

Unlike most First Person Defender scenarios we’ve covered so far, this one features a defender who has a considerable amount of firearms training. He’s also in a wheelchair, which both limits his mobility and creates the impression that he’s an easy target for criminals.

As both scenarios show, Tommy is anything but an easy target.

In the first scenario, Tommy is approached by a man asking for money.

His verbal commands and attempt to deescalate were on point, as was his decision to try to move to a better position. While the guy got much closer than I would have liked under the circumstances, he never presented as a clear threat before walking away, so Tommy never drew his gun.

It was a good call, and when reflecting on the way the scenario played out, Tommy was the first one to mention that the guy got too close. From his response during the scenario to his self-critique of what he might have done better, Tommy was clearly squared away.

It was therefore …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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