Posted January 1, 2024 2:16 am by Comments

By Editor

Happy New Year to all our readers, and especially the 71,800+ members of our AccurateShooter Forum. We hope 2024 brings you good times, fulfilment in your lives, and success in your endeavors. We also wish for small groups on target, high match scores, and successful hunts in the New Year.
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Looking Forward to 2024
Every year we work to improve We have continued to upgrade the Forum, adding enhanced security measures, with background checks on all sign-ups and enhanced scammer detection. On the content side we have expanded our popular Deals of the Week and Sunday GunDay features. And we’ve added a Video Showcase every Saturday. We also now offer more product reviews in our Daily Bulletin. We hope you’ll continue to enjoy our feature articles, our Deals of the Week, our match reports, and our Forum Classifieds. The formula seems to be working — our audience is bigger than ever, with Forum membership growing substantially year after year.
Forum Membership Increased 8% in 2023
Our Shooters’ Forum grew significantly over the past 12 months. Total registered membership grew by about 8% as Forum

Source: Accurate Shooter

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