Posted March 27, 2019 2:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

In the wake of Parkland, as well as any other mass shooting, gun control groups come out of the woodwork to step up and make gun control proposals. They do it before the bodies of the slain are even cold, and yet they’re given a pass by the media and society. It is what it is.

They push and push for things like “assault weapon” bans, waiting periods, or whatever. But then, historically, little happens. Attention shifts away from the shooting and the groups’ moment in the sun is over.

Right now, anti-gun groups are trying to shift the conversation away from mass shootings and onto other things.

Unable to achieve major federal gun legislation in the wake of the nation’s notorious mass shootings, U.S. gun-control groups are shifting their focus to state laws that keep guns out of the hands of those at risk of being violent or suicidal.

The approach comes as groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety acknowledge that a powerful gun lobby and entrenched American views about gun rights have made it nearly impossible to effect change in Washington. Instead, they see stronger opportunities to intervene in the shootings that account for most of …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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