Posted September 12, 2019 6:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

I’m not a fan of the website known as the Good Men Project. While the name sounds fine, like it’s about helping guys become better men, what they generally do a better job of is telling guys how to be better women. It’s a site for male feminists to pontificate on a number of things they know nothing about. Male feminism is often treated like the only path to being a good man.

Based on the number of supposed male feminists who turn out to be sex creeps, I’m not sure it’s any path to being a good man.

However, I try to be in the habit of admitting if someone or somewhere I dislike gets something right. This time, the Good Men Project sure seems to have slipped up and said something not idiotic.

Newscasters, get your act together. Forget about gun control for a minute and focus on fathers. Let’s turn the media to the relationships mass murderers have had with their fathers. These men have lived life feeling excluded and without protection from their fathers’ emotional distance.

Anyone who kills strangers has suffered trauma so powerful they have lost track of their compassion. Because they haven’t felt connected …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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