Posted March 15, 2024 10:34 am by Comments

By JP Pichardo

CDC and NIH Have Violated the Pro-Gun Dickey Amendment Restriction
The “Dickey Amendment”—which has been included in every government funding bill since 1994—is supposed to prevent the weaponization of research at CDC and NIH to create biased, politically motivated research for politicians and bureaucrats to use to promote and advocate for gun control. It simply says that “none of the funds made available in this title may be used, in whole or in part, to advocate or promote gun control.”Today, the CDC interprets the Dickey Amendment language “to mean that CDC’s funds may not be spent on political action or other activities designed to affect the passage of specific Federal, State, or local legislation intended to restrict or control the purchase or use of firearms.”[i] Yet, the federal government has been ignoring Congress for some time now. Congress needs to stop funding “Firearm Mortality and Injury Prevention Research entirely or further restrict its funding to non-political medical research only. For example, here is one perfectly acceptable study:

$444K for helping veterans who experience “epilepsy after penetrating brain injury” such as battlefield gunshot wounds.[ii]

If federal tax dollars are going to be funding research related to “firearm injury and mortality prevention” then finding out

Source: Gun Owners of America

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