Posted April 12, 2024 10:05 am by Comments

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Last year, the Garand Collectors Association (GCA) and Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) launched the Master Marksman Program for CGA members. This program was created to reward participation in CMP matches with As-Issued M1 Garand rifles. To participate, a competitor must be a current member of the GCA. Garand competitors can easily obtain CGA memberships through the GCA website, and a Garand competitor can even join the GCA the day of the match.
Similar to the CMP’s Distinguished Badge Program, the CGA/CMP Master Marksman Program uses an Achievement Award point system, based on performance at CMP events (listed below). Points are awarded with Gold (10 pts), Silver (8 pts) and Bronze (6 pts) levels. Competitors must reach a total of 40 points overall, with one gold and one additional gold or silver required. All other points may be bronze or greater. In 2023, 16 GCA member competitors were awarded the GCA’S Master Marksman Award.
Only As-Issued M1 Garands may be used. Competition Rules for the John C. Garand Match (Course A: 30 rounds) will be followed as defined in the CMP Games Rifle and Pistol Competition Rulebook. Those who fire in re-entry events will only be able to use their highest score as

Source: Accurate Shooter

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