Posted May 22, 2018 12:04 pm by Comments

By AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson

Forewarned is Forearmed

by Steve Tarani, Originally Posted here.

Forewarned is Forearmed

U.S.A.-( Living in a world where extreme physical violence can erupt at a moment’s notice, it’s important to be armed with more than only one weapon!

The most effective way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun – a good guy who has the skills to stop the threat (AKA – you). However, to rely solely on a carry pistol as your only response tool puts you at a tactical disadvantage.

In addition to a lightweight, compact, easily-accessible handgun, you’re also armed with a weapon that requires no bullets, batteries or carry permit. Your most powerful weapon for avoiding or mitigating an active threat will always be YOUR MIND.

We’ve all heard the term “situational awareness,” but what exactly is it? Simply put, situational awareness (S/A) is an awareness of your immediate environment. Should one of your five senses pick up a threat indicator, such as seeing a bad guy across the street moving toward you with a knife, hearing gunfire, smelling smoke, etc., you are forewarned of a potential physical threat. The extra few seconds or even minutes in some cases, affords …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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