Posted October 25, 2018 4:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

I’m not a lawyer, but I understand that in contract law, anything that’s too vague is generally interpreted in a way that benefits the person who didn’t write the contract. In other words, if you want me to sign the contract, and a provision is vague, you’re going to have a harder time enforcing your interpretation of that clause if I interpret it differently.

When it comes to laws, though, things work differently. Vagueness means the law is up for interpretation by the government, which means something that’s perfectly legal today may be illegal tomorrow simply because someone changed their mind.

Obviously, this is rarely a good thing.

Florida’s powerful pro-gun lobbyist and activist Marion Hammer is now warning Florida voters of the perils of an amendment up for consideration in November and how it may have unexpected repercussions.

Words have meaning. Amendment 13 to the Florida Constitution has “hidden words.” These words are hidden from voters. These hidden words will not be on your ballot, but if Amendment 13 passes they will go into the Constitution.

A circuit court judge actually called Amendment 13 an “outright trickeration” and an attempt to “hide the ball” from voters.

The actual amendment that would go …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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