Posted June 3, 2015 3:23 pm by Comments

By Tim

The Aurora murderer outlines the process of selecting the scene of the intended massacre.

This week the journal of the Aurora, Colorado killer was released to the press and excerpts of the testimony at his trial have hit the news. Last week there was a debate about certain aspects of open carry legislation in Texas that also made national news. These two seemingly unrelated stories had a common element, though, that the media isn’t going to talk about…death sentences. I’ll explain.

The Aurora murderer outlines the process of selecting the scene of the intended massacre.

The Aurora shooter (I refuse to use his name) turns out to have methodically planned his attack over an extended period of time with careful attention to detail. Over at the Active Response Training blog, Greg Ellifritz does a splendid job of covering some of the detailed planning the killer went through including figuring in the timing of police response to the act of violence. Let’s also not forget that this person wired his apartment with explosives in the hopes of drawing police and emergency services away from the scene of the massacre. He even left a remote controlled vehicle in a play area near his apartment rigged up as a trigger in the hopes …read more

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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