Posted April 29, 2016 5:08 pm by Comments

By Ammoland

Hillary Clinton with Terry McAuliffe coming from behind. img: Reuters

McAuliffe’s blanket restoration of rights for felons – what about gun rights for non-violent felons?

Hillary Clinton with Terry McAuliffe coming from behind. img: Reuters
Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia – -( In a transparent move to get some votes for Hilary Clinton, the Virginia Governor McAuliffe has pardoned 200,000 felons, regardless of whether they were convicted of a violent felony or not.

( Wait this may not work – the Blaze interviewed five random Virginia felons on who they were going to vote for, video below.)

While those violent and non-violent felons can vote, they still can’t possess a gun.

In our politician’s hurry to “get tough on crime” they have made all kinds of things felonies that should not be felonies. Virginia Citizens Defense League has long held that once a felon fully pays back their debt to society, they should get ALL their rights back automatically. Certainly that should be true for non-violent felons.

(Originally felonies were something you were put to death for, so getting your rights back wasn’t an issue.)

If a felon is still too dangerous to be trusted to be a gun owner, then why should he be …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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