Posted July 19, 2019 7:00 pm by Comments

By David Codrea

Agenda-driven pediatricians assure us that “universal background checks” mean fewer “children” like these will be killed with guns. (Photo credit: FBI)

U.S.A. – -( “Child gun deaths lower in states with stricter gun laws,” ABC News claims in a Wednesday “report” on a new “study” rehashing old deceptions. Yet another pediatrician is making the preposterous claim that citizen disarmament edicts, specifically so-called “universal background checks,” will save young lives.

Playing fast and loose with talking point terminology is evident right out of the starting gate, with the headline and the assertion that “More than 10 children die from firearms every day, and another 50 are injured by firearms daily.” Unless those firearms are self-animated and have wills of their own, intentionally leaving out the human actor is a deliberate deception.

This time out the “researchers” are judging the U.S. against “high-income countries,” a term fabricated for a purpose. Obama called them “advanced countries.” Some years back they were using the equally meaningless “highly developed countries” swindle until it was made obvious they were cherry-picking nations …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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