Posted February 8, 2016 9:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Officer Robert Rialmo (courtesy

“The Chicago police officer who killed Quintonio LeGrier has filed a lawsuit against the teen’s estate,” reports. “In a counterclaim filed last week, Officer Robert Rialmo alleges the 19-year-old whom he shot dead the day after Christmas assaulted him with a baseball bat and caused him to suffer trauma. He’s seeking more than $10 million in punitive damages from LeGrier’s estate.” According to Officer Rialmo’s lawsuit . . .

“The fact that LeGrier’s actions had forced Officer Rialmo to end LeGrier’s life, and to accidentally take the innocent life of Bettie Jones, has caused, and will continue to cause, Officer Rialmo to suffer extreme emotional trauma,” the lawsuit says.

Accidentally? WTF? Does that mean that Officer Rialto didn’t shoot LeGrier in justifiable self-defense? It sure seems like it.

Rialmo’s lawsuit gives the officer’s side in the controversial case, saying the officer opened fire after LeGrier “took a full swing” at his head, “missing it by inches.”

“He told me that he felt the breeze of the bat passing in front of his face, it was that close,” attorney Joel Brodsky told CNN affiliate WBBM-TV.

In a statement on Facebook, Brodsky said Rialmo “was taken aback by the speed in which the …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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